Happy Year of the Dragon! This Lunar New Year is predicted to be a prosperous and fortunate one thanks to our friend The Wood Dragon. Famous for bringing evolution, good fortune and abundance to the world there is more to this creature than just these gifts.
According to myths the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac were chosen by a contest amongst all animals. The high-flying Dragon was the predicted winner of the competition as he could fly. However, upon crossing the wild river, he noticed The Rabbit in need of help. Slowing down The Dragon sent the struggling animal a gust of wind to help it safely to shore. This simple act of generosity ended up placing him not first but in fifth place, behind The Rabbit.
Within this story lies the true message of this zodiac year — strength,
vitality and good fortune are gifts to be shared. And so, as we celebrate
NJNM’s 20th year and the Lunar New Year, we reflect on the true
heart and intention of the practice:
to help others.
We are so proud of NJNM and how many people the practice has helped over the last twenty years and we want to celebrate with our community!