
Sunnie Mortimer

Techniques and tools to manage stress in the moment and build life long resilience. Training for optimal performance of brain and body.

New Jersey Natural Medicine is excited to have Sunnie Mortimer, BSN as an associate of New Jersey Natural Medicine. Sunnie brings a wealth of compassion and skill including Interactive Metronome Brain Training, Holistic Breathing and Jin Shin Jyutsu. Her focus on stress management and resilience building, for children and adults, has the potential to benefit all patients.

Sunnie, like her name, is a bright, warm and caring practitioner. She utilizes numerous tools and techniques to activate and strengthen the relaxing part of the nervous system to help better manage stress ‘in the moment’ and to refill the body’s resources for resilience and optimal daily living.

Sunnie received a BSN from the University of Delaware, and is Board Certified in Holistic Nursing and Health and Wellness Nurse Coaching. She is certified in Holistic Stress Management, HeartMath Biofeedback, Interactive Metronome Brain Training, and as a Holistic Breathing Instructor. Additionally, Sunnie is a Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner and a member of the Holistic Nurse Research team whose study, ‘Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Reduces Nurse Stress: A Randomized Controlled Study’ is published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing.


Brain Work

Stress Management Coaching: Helps clients develop coping skills and tools to better respond to their particular stress needs
Interactive Metronome@ Brain Training: Improves brain function in both adults and children using hand and foot movements to match a computerized tone which synchronizes brain regions and builds body/brain coordination
Neurofeedback: Utilizes non-invasive alpha wave neurofeedback to facilitate calmness, clear thinking and balance
Mind/Body Preparation for Surgery: Teaches guided imagery and self-help techniques to reduce anxiety and pain and improve overall recovery from surgery
Breathing Work: Optimal Breathing Techniques: Teaches breathing optimization to help relaxation, improve lung function and calm the mind
HeartMath Biofeedback: Makes use of biofeedback to train the body and brain. Increases overall health, stress response and resilience

Body Work

AN Frequency Discs: Optimizes and rebalances the natural energy frequencies of the body to help clients stay energetically balanced and healthy
BEMER (Bio-Electric-Magnetic-Regulation): Allows clients to benefit from the BEMER mat which utilizes the earths magnetic field to stimulate vital metabolic processes
Jin Shin Jyutsu: A non-invasive, gentle, energy modality used to balance and relax the mind and body
Lymph Manual Movement: Sequences a pattern of movements to aid in lymphatic circulation stimulating a healthy cell environment and strong immune system



Elizabeth Stryker

Elizabeth Stryker, PT, DPT, owner of Pelvic Stability , has been successfully treated her own physical therapy clients for many years and set up shop at NJNM in early 2024. With a passion for women’s health and pelvic floor awareness, and having completed multiple continuing education courses focusing in this area of pelvic health physical therapy, she is the perfect addition to our space. To learn more or schedule an appointment please visit Pelvic Stability